Sunday, December 03, 2006


Well, what a day!!!
Only slept a few hours last night and when I woke up from what LITTLE sleep I had had, it was only because I had a nightmare. You see, today was my first day teaching sunday school for grades K-2nd. I had a night mare that I forgot all of my teaching materials at HOME!!!

Then after service today, I had to go to the funeral home to support the family on the loss of my cousin's wife. I got home from there with an hour to spare until evening service. Of course my two kids were acting in such a way that made me stressed out the whole time at the funeral home. My 9 and 10 year old were, HOT < HUNGRY < and not HAPPY!!

But I came home, and all I wanted to do is go to bed but I went to evening service to be blessed by all the wonderful people there. Today was a special birthday celebration day after services so everyone with a birthday in the month of December got to celebrate with cookies and punch. When I went tonight, let me say I didn't know about the birthday celebration thing nor did I know that so many people would wish me happy birthday.

Mostly it was thanks to my Joey who is 14 who told one of the elders that it was my birthday today. What a great boy Joey is....

A fantastic lady named Sally, made me this beautiful awesome cake and gave me some goodies for me to use and a card that I was sooo blessed to recieve. I love you Sally!!!!

My daughter and her two friends each made me a birthday card and the kindness from those three girls made me cry. I love you Angel and Shaylyn and Bailey!!!!!

I wasn't sure what kind of day this was going to turn out to be but God did...Yes, in all of these ramblings, there is a lesson.

When you don't feel like going to church...GO ANYWAY!!! Yeah, i know, its simple and to
the point and you may even say to me " oh but....."
and you fill in the blank.

God will bless your efforts. Isn't it funny. He blesses YOU for worshipping HIM? Doesn't that just sound sooo wrong?

I also was blessed to know that someone in the Columbus area reads my blog. Someone I don't know personally but likes what I have to say!!! WHOA...Imagine that. So, if you are reading this out there in Columbus-land..... and thanks for reading. It means alot to know that my ramblings aren't just...well...ramblings lol.

To end the day, my 18 year old son called me (he is away on vacation) and sang to me for my Birthday. I have been so blessed by so many people in my life. God continues to shower me with blessings and all I can say is I am very humbled. I know I do not deserve it.
But he continues anyway.

I try to look at all the little things...just waking up in the a blessing.
I think HE wants us to recognize even those little things. And if you are a sound sleeper, it might not be such a LITTLE thing after all lol.

A little note to a fellow blogger....thanks for the reminder JOHN....I'll try to do better :)

Be blessed today...
Remember God in your husbands hug today...
or your child's tug on your clothing to play a game with him or her....
or that paycheck you are spending on a Christmas present on a boss who really doesn't appreciate you....

God is everywhere....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Nikki,
I wanted to wish you a late Happy Birthday and tell you thanks for your blog. I do enjoy reading your blog. I have been uplifted and blessed many days after reading your thoughts. Please continue your ramblings as you call them. I hope to meet you the next time I'm in Wheeling.
Your, Columbus-land friend