Friday, February 23, 2007


I want to share something with you that was in a book I got today called Checklist for Life for Moms.

The powerful unseen force of your attitude parallels the lessons of a magnet. Like the magnet, if your mind set or attitude is negatively focused on the negative things about other family members, you will find your family pushed apart by the polarity of criticism . If your children hear or see only negative words or actions from you about your husband, or anyone, your children will push away those same people with their own negative feelings.
Remember the story of Jacob and Laban? Though Laban was Jacob's relative, he cheated Jacob over and over again, refusing to give him what he had promised, refusing to pay him what was owed. Yet Jacob didnt say anything bad about Laban. He didn't treat this older man with disrespect. Jacob guarded his thoughts and responded to laban's negative tricks with hard work and a positive attitude. Genesis 31:7 says that even though Laban cheated Jacob 10 times, God did not let Laban's negative ways hurt Jacob at all. Instead Jacob's positive attitude in response to negative conditions brought about unparalleled prosperity for him and his family.

Check your attitude. Be positive. Remember, with magnets and relationships, it always takes a positive to grow close to a negative.

Here are a few verses I love:

Colossians 3:16-17 NIV
Let the teaching of Christ live in your richly...Everything you do or say should be done to obey Jesus your Lord
1Corinthians 10:33 NIV
I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Matthew 7:11 The message
Here is a simple, rule of thumb guide for behaivor: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.

Be Blessed,

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