Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Where have I been for 5 days?

Yes, I realize that its been about 5 days since my last update and for that I apologize but there is so much sickness going around my household, I haven't had much time to sit down and gather my thoughts, let along write about them.

Michael is just now feeling better. He had either headache, sinus problems or upset stomach that hasn't wanted to go away completely. He seems to be doing much better.

Joey, seems to have gotten over the stomach thing only to get a sore throat, achey, sinus yuckies which includes major migraines.

Tony seems to have this constant tickle in his throat from his asthma. Being in cold air is new to him and it doesn't do his asthma very good.

Angel normally has very dry skin in the winter but this year brought something new. ECZEMA....
It was horrible, patches of brownish red skin all over her that burned and itched like crazy. It think we have it under control now ...at least spring is right around the corner right?

Me, well, not sure if I have been sick or just plain exhausted. Trying to handle all of the above and the normalcies of life, just can get so overwhelming sometimes. Yes, I know I only have about 6 more weeks of single parenting until I get a two week break but then Mike has to go back to Virginia Beach to finalize stuff for retirement and during that time, he has to take the van back with him which leaves me without a car for about 5 weeks.

Boy am I starting to get excited about Mike's return. He hasn't been home (Martins Ferry) for so very long. The kids and I are all so very excited as is his whole family.

Today brings me to work on the house getting things ready for him coming home. I am going shopping for twin beds for the basement bedroom for the older two boys. Its still a bit chilly down there yet but hopefully soon it will be in the 50's and that means a bit warmer downstairs that they can sleep there.

OH>>>almost forgot!! Calling all handymen----or women-----
I have a few things I need help with. Putting up a few pictures...and fixing two doors in my house getting ready for my hubby to come home. I don't want things broken when he gets here...
Then he will feel like he has to fix things instead of enjoying his time home.

Anyone have these abilities that can help, just let me know.

Ok, there is my update...
bye bye
Be blessed


Jennifer said...

I wish I lived closer...I'd come help!! Hope all your kids are better soon. The sickness has just hit here today...I hope I can contain it...ick!
Love you!
Jen :)

Clint Singer said...

I hope you get thru everything just fine. Stick to your guns spring is coming. It was 76 here today in Arkansas. We have all been sick with Strep throat and got better and now me and the wife are getting over a sinus infection. What a crazy winter it's been for illnesses. I'll pray for you all to get through rough times.