Thursday, February 15, 2007

Today's stuff....

Well, got the news today that Michael got the job at Krogers in Bellaire!!!!! Not sure what his hours will be but he starts at 10 on Saturday for training. He was soooo excited and so was I because working there was his first choice. Of course, we had hoped it would have been in our hometown but a 10 minute drive isn't bad either.


It's finally kids have tired of this wintry stuff :)
We all agree, the first snow was pretty and nice, then it just got yucky after that. Boy, that didn't last long.
I am hoping that spring is right around the corner because that means my husband will be home.


If anyone here ever gets the chance to go to the youth convention in Gatlinburg, not winterfest, but another one (can't remember the name..once i get it I will add it to the blog for today). Joey went with some from church and it was sooooo good for him. Incredible!!!! All glory to God for sure.


How did I survive Valentine's Day? You know, the day that seems to mean more to women than to men? Well, I knew that there are so many women out there without a "someone special" and I considered myself blessed that even though mine isn't least I have one that will be here shortly. You CAN change your mindset to find the good in all things. Its training and NOT easy to do...but it can be done. Once you've mastered it, (not saying I have) I think you will be more positive and peaceful about life. If you are so positive, there are no negatives to bring you down. Boy that sounds dreamy but can it be done? I know that over the past couple of years, I've learned to be more positive. So, my mind really tries to understand why the bad things all ends up better than I could even think COULD happen. Try it sometime!!


Well, I'm getting tired and want to get under a nice warm blanket.
I'm thankful that my heat bill came down $15 from last month :)

Be Blessed

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